
The #1 Local Fundraising Solution for over 40 years!
Earn the highest group profit in the industry!
Dedicated customer service team to help maximize your sale!

With over 170 markets to choose from PLUS the ability to sell online to out-of-town family and friends, a SaveAround® Coupon Book Fundraiser will help you reach your fundraising goals in no time!

The finest ingredients and great flavors like Homemade Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal, Double Chocolate and MORE, a SaveAround® Cookie Dough Fundraiser will keep your customers coming back!

Top quality brands and an extensive list of customizable items to choose from, a SaveAround® Custom Apparel Fundraiser is the right fit for any school or community group!

For holiday and everyday sales, a SaveAround® Catalog Fundraiser offers a variety of products for your customers. Quick turnaround, high profit, and options. Ask us about our custom catalog programs and American Made only product offerings.
*To qualify for the $500 minimum guarantee and the Target Gift Card:
Your group must have a minimum of 75 sellers and follow the 2 week fundraising schedule which includes each seller taking home an order form and taking orders for 10 days. Difference between your group profit and $500 minimum guarantee, if any, will be paid after group portion due to SaveAround is paid and group fundraiser is closed out. Target Gift Card will be sent during group close-out.
**To qualify for the Target Gift Card:
Your group must have a minimum of 20 sellers and follow the 2 week fundraising schedule which includes each seller taking home an order form and taking orders for 10 days. Target Gift Card will be sent during group close-out.
Your group must have a minimum of 75 sellers and follow the 2 week fundraising schedule which includes each seller taking home an order form and taking orders for 10 days. Difference between your group profit and $500 minimum guarantee, if any, will be paid after group portion due to SaveAround is paid and group fundraiser is closed out. Target Gift Card will be sent during group close-out.
**To qualify for the Target Gift Card:
Your group must have a minimum of 20 sellers and follow the 2 week fundraising schedule which includes each seller taking home an order form and taking orders for 10 days. Target Gift Card will be sent during group close-out.